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7th Grade: Gesher (Action Days)

Our 7th grade students will gather eight times throughout the year to engage in community service experiences. Starting at 12:00 PM on Sunday afternoons with a pizza lunch and learning at Sinai, after lunch we will board a bus and head to a location in the metro-Atlanta area to make a difference in our community through hands on social action work.

8th Grade: Gesher (Hot Topics)

Join your peers for this in depth program as you debate, study, and explore insights into a host of Hot Topics. Through Jewish values we will navigate issues relating to digital, medical, social, and ethical issues. This course will allow the students to delve into meaningful discussions that will help them form their own opinions.
*8th graders who choose to serve as Madrichim will leave their Madrichim assignments early in order to attend the 8th grade Gesher program.

9th Grade: Gesher (Leadership)

How does a Jewish leader face the moral dilemmas that life throws their way? In this new take on leadership high school freshman will be presented with various ethical puzzles and responses to them based on Jewish Law and learn about integrating leadership into the life of a Jewish teen. 
*9th graders who choose to serve as Madrichim will leave their Madrichim assignments early in order to attend the 9th grade Gesher program.

10th Grade: Confirmation

Confirmation provides an ideal setting for students to explore their Judaism together with Rabbi Ron. Confirmation is a great setting for sophomore students to explore the relevance and importance of enduring topics related to Jewish identity such as God, Torah, Israel and more. The Confirmation year includes both an opening retreat in Atlanta as well as a much anticipated class trip to New York in the Spring, and culminates with a special Confirmation service in May.
*10th graders who choose to serve as Madrichim will begin their Madrichim assignments after Confirmation.

11th & 12th Grade: Series

Join fellow 11th & 12th graders for speakers and panels throughout the year to discuss and learn more about Israel on Campus, Teen Mental Health, Preparing for College, and more!
No advanced registration required. Before each speaker we will send out a link to RSVP!


Fri, May 3 2024 25 Nisan 5784