Welcome to Temple Sinai Preschool!
Temple Sinai Preschool enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year and 2026 summer camp is open!
Click here for more information about next year's preschool programs. Go here for tuition rates and here for the calendar.
Interested in Sinai Summer Camp? Visit our camp web page for details.
Upcoming Events
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year for current families is available as space allows. Registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens in January.
Learn more here about Temple Sinai Preschool and our programs.
Contact our team here for more information.

Quick Links for
Current Families
2024-2025 Family Handbook
2024-2025 Calendar
2024-2025 Program Overview
2024-2025 Tuition Rates
Temple Sinai Preschool has programs available for children ages infants through Pre-Kindergarten. Two, three or five day options are available depending on the age group. Full, plus, and half day options are available between the hours of 8:00 am- 5:30 pm for all ages.
Our curriculum in every age group is focused on the development of each whole child. Our students explore learning through play to foster a strong foundation for social, emotional, academic, physical and spiritual growth. These skills form the basis for success in early elementary school and beyond. We are focused on this development by way of learning through play in a warm and welcoming, creative Jewish environment.
Contact Jamah Maman for more information or watch our virtual tour here.

Families with Young Children
Jewish education is about creating Jewish memories that will last throughout our lives. Jewish memories are formed in educational experiences, in youth group, on trips and social action days, in family programs, with Jewish friends and more. Together, we can form the foundation of creating Jewish memories for our children and for our families.