A Time to Learn, Reflect and Celebrate
02/05/2025 10:23:13 AM
What is the purpose of the weekly Shabbat to Shabbat column? Some weeks it’s a chance to share Torah. Other times, it’s an opportunity to explore Jewish commentary on our world. At times, we focus on sacred texts, and at others, we highlight the incredible opportunities provided to us by Sinai and the larger Atlanta Jewish community.
This Shabbat, I want to take a moment to do the...Read more...
How Are You Using Your Freedom?
01/27/2025 08:42:09 AM
Freedom is a complicated thing. In Parashat Bo, we see the Israelites on the cusp of liberation after generations of slavery. But it doesn’t come with a simple snap of the fingers. Instead, it’s a messy process, punctuated by plagues, Pharaoh’s stubbornness, and the Israelites’ own hesitations. And yet, in the midst of this chaos, the Torah introduces something remarkable: the first mitzvah given to the Jewish people as a...Read more...
Growth Begins in Discomfort
01/21/2025 11:34:02 AM
Life is filled with moments when we feel inadequate, uncertain, or overwhelmed by the tasks in front of us. Whether it’s navigating a career change, mending a relationship, or simply trying to make it through the day, we all encounter times when we doubt our ability to rise to the challenge.
In Parashat Vaera, Moses is tasked with leading an entire nation to freedom. But he doesn’t begin as a confident leader. He questions...Read more...
Support Our Los Angeles Fires Disaster Relief
01/15/2025 10:36:52 AM
For more than a week now, we have watched with an aching sense of helplessness the devastation of biblical proportions caused by the Greater Los Angeles fires. Along with the tragic loss of life (24 individuals as of this writing), more than 12,000 homes, businesses, schools, a synagogue, and other structures have burnt to the ground since last Tuesday when this catastrophe began. Included among the devastation are the homes of close to 400...Read more...
Hope is a Choice
01/01/2025 08:16:15 AM
As we stand in these opening days of the new year, we find ourselves reflecting on the moments that shaped us in the past and looking toward the promise of what is to come. Jewish tradition teaches us that each year offers a new beginning, an opportunity for renewal and transformation. This moment is one of profound hope as we are reminded that no matter what challenges we’ve faced, to some degree, even if only in mindset and...Read more...
Spread the Light
12/24/2024 09:22:12 AM
At times, it can feel as though life is a zero-sum game. We may be led to believe--whether directly or indirectly--that we must compete for life’s finite resources. Judaism, however, teaches us something very different.
One of the most beautiful and instructive things about candles is that they can spread the flame to other candles without diminishing their own light. During this Festival of Lights, when the days are the...Read more...
We Come From Dreamers
12/18/2024 08:07:51 AM
A few weeks ago, we read in the Torah the story of Jacob. He was on his way to reunite with his brother, Esau, with whom he parted under terrible circumstances. Jacob feared Esau and the possible retribution awaiting him. Jacob laid down to sleep using a rock as a pillow. That night he had a fantastic dream of angels ascending and descending a ladder. One interpretation of that dream is that angels begin here on earth. In Hebrew, the word for...Read more...
Together We Heal
12/12/2024 08:38:12 AM
This past week has been profoundly heart-wrenching for the Atlanta Jewish community, as we mourn the tragic death of Ari Manuel “Manny” Pargman.
While I did not have the privilege of knowing Manny personally, I am incredibly moved by the heartfelt stories and tributes shared by members of our Sinai family. His death is a devastating reminder that members of our community are silently...Read more...
We Must Climb
12/02/2024 07:56:54 AM
Our Torah begins with our ancestor, Jacob, on the run, an outlaw from his family and his people. Exhausted, he came to a certain place and rested there for the night, dreaming a vivid dream of a ladder reaching to heaven. As he awakened from his dream, he exclaimed, “Surely god is present in this place, and I did not know it!” (Genesis 28:11-16).
The ancient text speaks to us today as it surely did to our ancestors, and it compels...Read more...
Step Out of Your Bubble
11/20/2024 11:26:47 AM
Last week, for the first time in a long while, I stepped out of my “Bubble.” While I love my Bubble and the amazing people and places that fill it, I realized that I had been walking around with my eyes closed for many months.
With Janie Fishman, the lay leader who leads Temple Sinai’s refugee efforts, we drove 16.7 miles to what felt like the other side of the planet. We drove to...Read more...
Adjusting to the Dark
11/14/2024 09:49:29 AM
While many of us might have relished in getting that extra hour of sleep when we rolled the clocks back a couple of weeks ago, there are many (or more) of us who are quite averse to spending more of our waking time in the dark. Without the stimulation of daylight that nourished us through the summer months and with nighttime closing in often before the work of our days is done, it is easy to feel cut off from the world. Where outdoor...Read more...
Love Your Neighbor as Yourself
11/06/2024 10:34:08 AM
As we prepare for this first Shabbat in the aftermath of a divisive election, we recognize that though we are one community, in many ways, we feel quite distant from one another. For some, there is relief, joy, and a sense of hope. For others, there is disappointment, fear, and confusion. These emotions are valid and they reflect the depth of care and investment we have in our shared community, our country, and our future.
It is in...
Be a Modern-Day Noah
10/28/2024 12:42:40 PM
In our Torah portion this week, we encounter Noah and the ark that he built to preserve life. It’s a great story that resonates with kids who imagine large boats with smiling animals of all shapes and sizes. It is a story that should resonate with adults as well, for in the words of the portion comes a challenge to us all. Though the rainbow comes along to symbolize that God will never again destroy the world with a flood, I believe...Read more...
Another Year of Torah
10/23/2024 10:07:12 AM
Our Holy Days are now behind us and we have been launched into a New Year with a clean slate. It is not a coincidence that we also begin again the reading of Torah. This annual cycle of reading from creation to redemption to revelation through the five books mirrors how we, too, move through life.
We are creators. Genesis reminds us that we are our life’s designers. Every time we speak or send a text or an email, every time we...Read more...
Rejoice in Sukkot
10/14/2024 09:49:29 AM
As I watch the devastating pictures from North Carolina and Florida, I am reminded again of the power and fury of nature. Amidst the destruction and the heartbreak, there is an understanding that begins to emerge when considering as well the rhythm of Jewish time. Having completed the towering days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we find ourselves presently celebrating the festival of Sukkot with all of its informality and...Read more...
Responding to External Need & the Call for Personal Growth at Yom Kippur
10/10/2024 08:15:57 AM
As we prepare to observe the most solemn and sacred day in the Jewish year tomorrow evening and Saturday, it is admittedly difficult to focus on the important, personal work of teshuva that Yom Kippur lays before us. Serious and catastrophic issues call out for our attention from almost every direction:
Our hearts unquestionably remain in the East as Israel continues her battle against terrorists and enemies whose sole mission is...Read more...The Last Shabbat of the Year
09/24/2024 02:35:09 PM
This week is the last Shabbat of 5784. This past year has been such a difficult one for us as a people. I remember when I first put the dog tag around my neck with prayers for the hostages in captivity, it felt like I was wearing a bowling ball around my neck. Heavy and inescapable, the weight of the plight of the hostages and all Jewish people pressed on my heart. While we have spent this month of Elul looking in the rearview mirror of...Read more...
Focus on Loving Yourself, Imperfections & All
09/18/2024 09:44:07 AM
Last Shabbat, during services, I shared a poem titled “Tishrei” by Rabbi Osnat Eldar. Rosh HaShanah falls on the first day of the month of Tishrei. I've found myself revisiting this poem throughout the week and would love to share it with you here as well.
The seasons did not change on time this year
Take Two
09/12/2024 08:15:36 AM
Here are a handful of the countless expressions with the word “two”:
Put two and two together Two shakes of a lamb’s tail A bicycle built for two The lesser of two evils Hit two targets with one arrow Take two tablets and call me in the morning Two sides of the same coin It takes two to TorahRightfully, you’ve likely called me on that last expression, which, of course, concludes with “tango,” not Torah. After...Read more...
The Work of Elul
09/04/2024 08:16:48 AM
Welcome to Elul! Monday evening we began the final month of our spiritual year. While there are many ways in which we tend to mark our seasons, either by the school year or a company’s fiscal year, or by the sports we follow or the plants and yards we tend to, at a Jewish institution we really feel the gravitational pull of the Holy Days as a signifier of seasonal change.
But there is more to preparing for the Holy Days than...Read more...
The Obligation of Tzedakah
08/29/2024 09:05:39 AM
I love to confuddle adults in Torah study and our Confirmation students. It is exciting when a question is posed that causes disagreement and dialogue, and it’s fantastic when one of the participants inevitably says, with laughter to follow, “I agree with every contradictory thing that has been said! How can that be?”
I’ll give you an example so that you can play along if you wish. Moses Maimonides, the great medieval...Read more...
The Impact of Generational Divides
08/22/2024 07:12:38 AM
As you may know, last Shabbat we hosted retired psychologist Dr. Betsy Stone for a weekend of learning. As a result of our learning with her, we have been talking a lot about generational differences here at Temple Sinai among staff and congregants.
Dr. Stone's keynote presentation, which she shared with members of our Sinai staff family, explored the idea of generational divides. For instance: were we “latchkey”...Read more...
Words & People That Inspire
08/15/2024 08:04:51 AM
From beginning through middle to the end, Judaism is about words and people that inspire. We find ourselves most taken by the words of tradition that we inherit – whether stories passed through the generations or the prayers that we witness the elders in our community and in our lives recite. And we look to those masterful individuals who seem to possess a passion for people to transmit that text to us in ways that cause us to notice new...Read more...
Final Words
08/06/2024 08:00:31 AM
In our Torah reading this week we begin a new book of Torah - Deuteronomy, or Dvarim. This text is bittersweet, for we learned in the Torah reading from last week, at the close of the book of Numbers, that Moses was not to lead the people into the Promised Land. Instead, he would be granted an opportunity to share his final thoughts with the people that he had led for 40 years. Deuteronomy is the book almost exclusively comprised of...Read more...
Look Forward to the Opportunities Ahead
08/01/2024 08:27:30 AM
There are still a few things I am not yet used to as a Georgia resident. One of them is that school starts before Labor Day....well, way before Labor Day. There is just something so weird to me about school in August. August is SUMMER.
Alas, with school starting for many as I write this, it feels like an end to the cherished summer days. So many of us use this time to plan for the year ahead, to get organized, and to...Read more...
Shabbat is Always a Refuge
07/25/2024 09:32:59 AM
Such a humdrum, ordinary few weeks it has been in our country and world… What could there possibly be to write about in this week’s Shabbat to Shabbat column?! Read more...
Israel in Song
07/17/2024 10:53:33 AM
Last week I returned from the Cantor’s Conference held in Israel. While we typically meet in cities around the U.S., every 7 years the conference takes place in Israel. As you might imagine, this conference was very much about October 7th – both the event itself and the aftermath of where Israel is today. While our rabbis have all been to Israel since that ominous day, this was my first opportunity to go.
The trip had many highs...
You Are Not Alone
07/08/2024 02:45:33 PM
It was not long ago that I was standing with one of our young people after a tragic event occurred to a loved one. I did not have to engage in conversation to learn that he was hurting; I could see it in his eyes the minute I walked into the room. Our embrace simultaneously felt too long and not long enough. It was as if we both wanted to cling to each other until the pain was gone.
It was not long into the visit that he asked the...Read more...
Fireworks and Korah
07/03/2024 10:36:52 AM
To the chagrin of dogs, toddlers, and any others who are sensitive to loud booms, pops and sizzles, July 4th has arrived once again, and with it, the annual spectacle of fireworks displays. To the chagrin of the National Fire Protection Association and other fire safety organizations, though, the individuals who are purchasing and shooting off fireworks are just as likely to be local amateurs as they are trained...Read more...
Find the People in the World that Need You
06/27/2024 08:38:33 AM
We all know the famous proverb: Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.
This is the motto that has been motivating the Refugee Relief Committee (RRC) for the past 4 years. It's likely you have heard us talk about this fabulous committee in recent months, as its leaders Janie Fishman & Leslie Walden just received the Temple Sinai Ner Tamid Award, in celebration of...Read more...