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		                                    Limud (Adult Learning)		                                </span>


Limud is Hebrew for "Learning" and it expresses our Jewish commitment to always keep wisdom and knowledge top-of-mind. Your clergy and faculty are very excited to continue deep learning and have conversations of meaning and insights. Whether you have just begun exploring Judaism or you are deep in your Jewish journey, you will find something meaningful and enjoyable in our Limud offerings. In addition to regular class offerings, keep a lookout for exciting endowment events and unique learning opportunities throughout the year. As always, please contact Rabbi Natan Trief, our Director of Adult Learning.

Upcoming Adult Learning Programs

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Introduction to Judaism

Introduction to Judaism is an engaging multi-session course for adults taught by Rabbi Natan Trief for those interested in exploring Jewish life through a Reform lens. Open to all, this course is designed for interfaith couples, spiritual seekers, individuals considering conversion, and Jews of all stripes who want a meaningful adult Jewish learning experience. While not a conversion class per se, this 18-session class is a prerequisite for those considering conversion. New cohorts beginning in September and February of each year.

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Wednesday Night Learning

Join us for stimulating conversations on topics across the Jewish world. Several sessions throughout the year will focus on Israel while other sessions will focus on Jewish priorities in the 21st Century. Sessions are a mix of lecture and discussion and are meant to provoke deep thought and conversation over a glass of wine and cheese. 

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Monthly Lunch & Learns

What does Judaism have to say about the most pressing issues of our time? How can we make sense of the often-conflicting viewpoints presented within Jewish text? If Jewish text is to speak to us throughout the ages, we must be able to apply it to the most controversial and provocative issues of our time. Join your clergy for some great conversation! You bring the lunch; we'll bring the drinks and the discussion!

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Living Room Limud

Though we love meeting and learning in Temple Sinai, we recognize that enriching Jewish learning could and should happen anywhere. Welcome to Living Room Limud, one of our most intimate and meaningful offerings. Interested in hosting your friends and acquaintances for learning in your living room? Have you ever wanted to discuss a certain idea with your clergy and fellow congregants? Jewish ethics? Music? Israel? Philosophy? Let us know and we'll strive to make it happen.

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My heart is in the East though I find myself on the edge of the West. These 1000-year-old words by Spanish-Jewish poet Yehuda HaLevi encapsulate the perpetual Jewish orientation toward Jerusalem and Israel. Though we find ourselves living in the Diaspora, we still feel a yearning toward our homeland and an intense connection to her well-being. Our clergy all strive to foster a genuine connection to Israel for Temple Sinai members. This is done through speaking from the pulpit, teaching, visiting, and encouraging discussions among people with diverse viewpoints. 

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Reading Corner

Engage in some thought-provoking discussion during our two book clubs, the Rona Balser Book Club and our Banned Book Club. Each club meets every other month (in different months) and is led by our skilled facilitator and author, Jessica Handler. Both clubs are sponsored generously by the Rona and Bill Balser Book Series Endowment Fund. 

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Hebrew Study

Whether Hebrew in an Instant, prayer-book Hebrew, or conversational Hebrew, we strive to offer different possibilities for Hebrew learning throughout the year. Please contact Rabbi Natan for more information on different Hebrew offerings. 

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Sinai Film & NAVON Film Series

Temple Sinai has two different film series throughout the year. The long-running Temple Sinai Film Series strives to bring an eclectic mix of films and pair them with a thematic speaker and/or event on Sunday evenings. The NAVON film series (our 65+ community) often meets on weekdays and focuses on different themes, such as Israeli films (2023-2024) and Jewish journeys around the world (2024-2025). 

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Endowment Events

Temple Sinai is blessed to house many different endowments that focus on various aspects of Jewish life and wisdom. Thanks to the generosity of many community members, these endowments both honor the legacies of those who came before us as well as emphasize the enduring passions of so many congregants. We already have several exciting endowment-sponsored events throughout 5784.

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Shabbat Morning Torah Study

Join the Temple Sinai Clergy in meaningful and stimulating conversation as we fulfill the Jewish mitzvah of Talmud Torah/Lifelong Learning. Every Saturday morning at 9:00 am, we will join together to dive into the Torah portion of the week and other relevant issues. It is a fantastic way to feel the spirit of Shabbat and connect with one of Sinai's strongest traditions.

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PNK Learning Center

The PNK Learning Center was established shortly after Temple Sinai was formed in 1968. Today it boasts a collection of over 12,000 titles make it the largest synagogue library in the Southeast. While other synagogue libraries have closed their doors, Sinai continuously invests in its collections and finds innovative ways to increase readership and engagement. Any subject that relates to the Jewish experience is eligible for inclusion in our collection.

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Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785