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The events of October 7th have left a permanent scar on our collective soul, even as we realize that the extent of the tragedy continues to be felt today. There are undeniable implications for our Jewish brothers and sisters in Israel as well as the larger Jewish world. We send a collective prayer to the brave soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces as they defend our homeland and strive to return the hostages still in Hamas captivity.  

In this tragic and devastating time, our hearts go out to all who are mourning the loss of a loved one and all who are praying for the recovery of injured family members and friends. Of course, we especially hope and pray for the safe return of the hostages held captive in Gaza. We stand in disbelief at the astonishing increase in antisemitism and antisemitic hate crimes around the globe. The resurgence of the world’s oldest hatred and most poisonous disease leaves us feeling frustrated and vulnerable.

And yet, we are not alone. Together with others in the Jewish world and those who stand in solidarity with us, we will expel the darkness and proclaim this truth to the entire world: Israel has and always will be a light unto the nations, and we will continue to advocate for the Jewish homeland no matter where we find ourselves.

Accompanying our own sense of disbelief is the understandable desire to know what we can do to help. Record numbers of Israelis are displaced, thousands of people are dealing with the daily trauma of surviving the October 7 attacks, and the economy of Israel is in tatters. Below, you will find resources to show your support in various ways. We hope that at least one of these avenues – if not more – will speak to you.

Am Yisrael Chai!

Remain Informed
Social Media
Financial Support
Students on Campus

At this moment, the most powerful and important thing we can do is to stand in solidarity with the people of Israel and the right for Israel to defend itself. Outward indicators of support not only provide opportunities to engage in conversation and correct misnomers, but they also demonstrate to other Jews that they are not alone. There are many options to consider, including:

During these days of misinformation and manipulation, it is essential that we be well-informed advocates for Israel. 

Brief Videos Explaining the Conflict

  • The Son of one of the Hamas founders explains the organization’s genocidal intent. Here
  •  A note to Pro-Palestinian supporters from Adam Albilya. Here
  •  Mayim Bialik powerfully speaking out against antisemitism. Here
  •  Rabbi Jonathan Sacks on how anti zionism is the new antisemitism. Here
  • March for Israel Rally in Washington, DC. Here
  • The Last Line of Defense by Bari Weiss. Here

Sign up for emails from the numerous national and international Jewish agencies that offer webinars to help raise awareness and education. 

News Outlets

Social Media Accounts
As we all know by now, another front has opened up in this war and it is playing out on our smartphones, tablets, and computers. We all have a role to play to fight the lies, the disinformation, and the insidious antisemitism. In this moment of crisis, we can demonstrate our support as proud ambassadors for our Jewish homeland and to use our networks to influence and to educate. 

Please consider following and sharing some of the valuable information and updates from the following accounts:


@IDF: Official Account of the Israel Defense Forces
@standwithus: Non-Profit Israel Education Organization
@adl_national: Official Account of the Anti-Defamation League Official Account of the American Jewish Committee
@israelpolicyforum: Non-Partisan Education, Advocacy and Policy Research Organization
@telavivinstitute: Non-Profit Social Media Lab Combating Antisemitism 
@jewishunpacked: Non-Profit Educational Organization 
@hillelintl: Official Account of Hillel International - The Foundation for Jewish Life on Campus
@henmazzig: (Hen Mazzig) Senior Fellow, TLV Institute 
@friends_of_the_idf: Official Account of Friends of the IDF (Non-Profit Supporting Lone Soldiers)
@israelcc: Official Account of the Israel on Campus Coalition
@jfederations: Official Account of the Jewish Federations of North America
@birthrightisrael_foundation: Official Account of Taglit Birthright Israel Foundation


@NeriZilber: (Neri Zilber) Journalist, Analyst on Middle East Politics, Fellow at Israel Policy Forum
@IsraelPolicy4m:Non-Partisan Education, Advocacy and Policy Research Organization
@israelwarroom: Israel War News & 24-Hour Live Updates
@hillelneuer: (Hillel Neuer) Executive Director of UN Watch
@avimayer: (Avi Mayer) Editor-in-Chief, Jerusalem Post
@StanwdWithUs: Non-Profit Israel Education Organization
@TimesofIsrael: Official Account of The Times of Israel
@Jerusalem_Post: Official Account of The Jerusalem Post
@HenMazzig: (Hen Mazzig) Senior Fellow, TLV Institute 
@IsraelAtlanta: Official Account of the Consulate General of Israel to the Southeastern United States
@CotlerWush: Israeli Envoy to Combat Antisemitism 
@JGreenblattADL: (Jonathan Greenblatt) CEO, Anti-Defamation League
@ShiraEfron: (Shira Efron) Director of Research, Israel Policy Forum
@ZionessMovement: Official Account of Zioness, a Progressive Zionist Social Justice Movement
@YKleinHalevi: (Yossi Klein Halevi) NYT Bestselling Author and Senior Fellow, Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem


@adielofisrael: (Adiel Cohen) IDF Reservist & Social Media Influencer 
@israel: Official Account of the State of Israel 
@hen.mazzig: (Hen Mazzig) Senior Fellow, TLV Institute 
@camera_on_campus: Non-Partisan Organization Monitoring Bias in Media & Reporting
@stand_with_us: Non-Profit Israel Education Organization
@hillelintl: Official Account of Hillel International - The Foundation for Jewish Life on Campus
@idf: Official Account of the Israel Defense Forces 

Rabbi Natan Trief has recorded several podcasts with information about the conflict in Israel. There is one specifically intended for college students and others as a beginner lesson on Israeli history with simple explanations to the war today. Listen here


There are numerous agencies worthy of financial support, including: 

  • The ATLANTA JEWISH FEDERATION continues to run an emergency campaign to support the ever-growing needs on the ground. Give Here
  • FIDF's mission is to transform the lives of soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces through empowering educational, financial, well-being, and cultural initiatives. Give Here 
  • NATAL - the Israel Trauma and Resiliency Center is an apolitical organization providing multidisciplinary treatment and support to direct and indirect victims of trauma due to terror and war in Israel. Give Here 
  • Magen Dovid Adom - Israel’s national emergency medical service, is on the frontlines of saving lives in Israel with emergency ambulances, boats, helicopters, and motorcycles. Give Here  
  • Bring Them Home Now ( is an organization that supports the families of hostages and advocates to bring the hostages home.
  • Achim Laneshek ( is a civil coordination center that has become the busiest and most impactful relief and social welfare organization for civilians and soldiers.
  • Hamal HaYerushalmi ( is the Jerusalem Civil Coordination Center, providing direct relief to those impacted by October 7.

In addition to organizations dedicated to providing direct and much-needed assistance to those struggling, there are organizations dedicated to building bridges of understanding between populations in Israel.

  • The Givat Haviva Center for Shared Society ( is an organization that builds relationships between Israel’s Jewish citizens and those who are Israeli Arabs.
  • Roots-Judour-Shorashim ( was started by an Israeli settler and a Palestinian farmer in order to bring the two populations together in the West Bank.

We also encourage you to contact your elected officials and ask them to publicly support Israel and, when appropriate, to vote for aid for Israel. In situations where they have already done so, it is important to contact them to express your appreciation.

Rep. Nikema Williams is the member of Congress for GA-05, where Temple Sinai is located. Please call her to thank and encourage her to continue standing with Israel, especially as she receives many calls from Israel’s detractors. 
Phone Number for Rep. Nikema Williams: (202) 683-4062

To assist parents with strategies on how to answer questions in an age-appropriate manner as well as determine how best to offer support during this crisis, we hope this article will be helpful: Here’s How to Talk to Your Kids About the Violence in Israel and Gaza

Students who have witnessed or experienced incidents of hate, antisemitism or anti-israel bias on campus should do the following:

  • Call 911 if immediate help is required.
  • Report the incident to your university. Visit your university’s website and type “bias report” or “bias incident” into the search bar. This will direct you to an online form where you can report the incident. 
  • Reach out to your Hillel who can ensure you have any support you may need on campus, as well as help you navigate conversations with the administration or alerting authorities if necessary. 
  • Report the incident to - this resource was established by Hillel International, the Anti-Defamation League and the Secure Community Network, and works to hold universities accountable for keeping students safe.

Campus Antisemitism Legal Line (CALL) is a free legal protection hotline for students who have experienced antisemitism. Any student, staff, faculty or family member can go to the CALL website or text “CALLhelp” to 51555 to report incidents of antisemitic discrimination, harassment, intimidation, vandalism or violence that may require legal action.

Social media can be a powerful advocacy tool, and while some students feel comfortable using their platforms, others may not feel confident in their ability to do so effectively. TalkIsrael is a non-profit that works with students to positively change the conversation around Israel using social media by providing resources, guidance and support for young content creators.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784