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Gifts to Temple Sinai

The form below may be used to pay an outstanding balance on your account (if applicable) or make a charitable contribution to Temple Sinai.

Online Contribution Information Other Opportunities to Support Temple Sinai
List & description of endowment (restricted) funds Purchase a leaf on the Tree of Life
List & description of special (unrestricted) funds Purchase a plaque on the Yahrzeit Memorial Board

Note: appropriate acknowledgment will be sent to the recipient
should a dedication be made.

Legacy Sinai: Create Your Legacy Today
Adopt a Brick in the Gathering of Friends Garden

Thank you for your meaningful gift to Temple Sinai.

Refunds will be available on a case-by-case basis assuming no goods or services were exchanged.  Refunds are available 30 days after an event payment or donation was made.

People With Accounts Pay or Donate Here


Visitors Pay or Donate Here


Payment Details

Payment Notes
(ie: special instructions for how your payment should be applied)
Wed, February 12 2025 14 Sh'vat 5785