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		                                    Committee Opportunities		                                </span>

We welcome you to get involved in a Temple Sinai committee to help deepen and enhance your connection to the life of our vibrant community! If you would like to participate in any way,  please email Shelly Dresdner, Associate Executive Director.    

Adult Choir
Talented and enthusiastic musicians, volunteer musical support and enrichment periodically as part of the Shabbat evening service and serve an integral role during the High Holy Days. Contact Beth Schafer.

Adult Education
The Adult Education Committee works with our clergy to develop learning opportunities for our members to further their knowledge of Jewish heritage and religion. Some programs include: Scholar in Residence, mini courses, Chyatte Lectures on medical/ethical issues, 92nd Street Y Series, Alembik lecture and the film series. Contact Rabbi Natan Trief.

Backpack Buddies
Temple Sinai partners with Powers Ferry Elementary School to fill backpacks with food for disadvantaged students. Contact Carrie Bohn.

Temple Sinai’s men’s club provides a warm and welcoming environment where Temple Sinai men can find a social, spiritual, intellectual and communal home. Contact Carrie Bohn.

Multiple committees create Jewish holiday programs throughout the calendar year.  Contact Shelly Dresdner.

Chevra Kadisha
This group of men and women perform the mitzvah of “Tahara”, the ritual cleansing or purifying of the body when a death occurs. Volunteers are always needed. Contact Rabbi Ron Segal.

Early Childhood Family Engagement
The Early Childhood Family Engagement Committee serves to develop engagement opportunities for all Temple Sinai families with children from birth through pre-kindergarten. Some of these engagement opportunities include: Tot Shabbat, Moms and Tots, Chocolate Seder, Daddy and Me and Tot Mitzvah. Contact Jamah Maman.

Family Promise
This national organization supports homeless families by connecting temples and churches on a rotating weekly basis to provide family housing.  Contact Carrie Bohn.

Fine Arts
The Fine Arts committee accepts gifts of an artistic nature, plans art exhibits, maintains inventory of Temple Sinai's permanent collection and helps research artists for commissioned artwork. Contact Rabbi Ron Segal.

Habitat for Humanity 
Temple Sinai participates in Habitat for Humanity projects where people ages 16 and up can participate in our bi-annual build. Contact Carrie Bohn.

High Holy Day Shammashim (Ushers)
This team is responsible for checking tickets, helping welcome congregants and guests, expediting the loading of buses, assisting with finding seats in the sanctuary and more. Volunteers are always welcome! Contact Jaimee Boettcher.

Our Accessibility Committee, this team ensures that our facilities and programming are inclusive of those with physical and emotional disabilities and that our congregation cherishes the differences and uniqueness of our membership to make our community stronger. This committee has implemented our handicapped accessible bathrooms, special devices for the hearing impaired, large print prayer books and more. Contact Rabbi Sam Trief.

Some of the congregation’s best cooks, bakers and decorators add homemade touches to temple celebrations several times throughout the year. Contact Jaimee Boettcher.

Hunger Walk
Held annually, this event benefits the Atlanta Community Food Bank. The Temple Sinai Striders have a history of engaging a large turnout of supporters. Contact Carrie Bohn.

Temple Sinai is a welcoming place for interfaith couples, families and children of intermarriage to explore and connect with Judaism. We support our families in making informed religious decisions and guide them in creating a Jewish home by using educational, social and small-group experiences. Contact Avery Lyla Friedman.

Israel Committee
Oversees several non-profit, pro-Israel agencies ensuring that a connection with Eretz Yisrael is a fundamental part of Temple Sinai. Includes being a liaison to AIPAC, ARZA, Israel Bonds, J Street, JNF and AJC. Contact Rabbi Brad Levenberg.

Sinai’s Caring Community offers support and services to members who are ill, have lost a loved one or are celebrating a simcha. Volunteers are needed for two-week intervals.  Contact Rabbi Ron Segal.

Membership Engagement Committee
Encourages new and current members to participate in congregational life in a variety of activities, helps to plan membership events including the Prospective Member Brunch. This committee serves as a sounding board to the Membership Engagement Director. Contact Shelly Dresdner.

A new initiative designed to help link our older adults, their family members, friends and caregivers to solutions related to aging. Contact Avery Lyla Friedman.

Offers programming on topics of mental health and well-being, as well as those which help break down the stigma surrounding mental illness. Contact Beth Schafer.

Preschool Committee
The Preschool Committee supports Temple Sinai’s Preschool by working with staff to develop and implement goals and policies, reviewing and making recommendations on budgets, calendars and facility use, and hosts a variety of social and fundraising events. Contact Jamah Maman.

Pride Parade
Temple Sinai is proud to be a supporter of the Atlanta Pride Parade and SOJOURN and embraces the diversity of the LGBTQ community. Contact Carrie Bohn.

Red Cross Blood Drive
Oversees all blood drives at Sinai by serving as a liaison with the American Red Cross. Publicity and promotion are the primary responsibilities with the goal of encouraging as many people as possible to donate blood. Contact Carrie Bohn.

Shomrei Adamah
Works to educate members about energy conservation and environmental awareness. Also evaluates and suggests ways to make our building and processes more energy efficient. Contact Carrie Bohn.

Shammashim (Ushers)
Our goal is to recruit and train congregants who will proudly serve our congregational family on Shabbat evenings by greeting congregants and guests, sharing important information about various programs and services in the building, and helping to create an environment that is friendly, warm, inviting and reflective of the community we aspire to be. Contact Shelly Dresdner.

Sinai 20s & 30s
Young adults in their 20s and 30s are provided with meaningful opportunities to explore Jewish tradition and enrich their Jewish experience, offering inspiring, social, educational, spiritual, and social justice programming with the Reform Jewish community. Contact Avery Lyla Friedman.

The Spirituality Committee invites you to take a mini-break from the chaos of 2020/2021. Join us for creative programs highlighting Jewish spirituality and mysticism as well as fun topics further afield. Our umbrella includes the Kavanah committee, a group of dedicated volunteers focused on revitalizing Jewish holidays in the home and at synagogue. Together our teams look forward to enhancing your Temple Sinai experience, online and eventually again in person! For programming information or to join our merry band of volunteers, please contact Beth Schafer or Rabbi Brad Levenberg for Spirituality or Rabbi Sam Trief for Kavanah. 

Women of Sinai
An affiliate of the national organization, Women of Reform Judaism, this group is open to all women, regardless of their age or background, reflecting a multi-faceted, multi-generational, community of women. Programming includes community building and nurturing our sense of spirituality. Contact Carrie Bohn.

Teen Committee
The Teen Committee serves as the strategic advisory board in re-imagining education and engagement opportunities, the Madrichim program and any other initiatives that affect teens. The committee provides support and programming for the Director of Youth Engagement to include: Camp Jenny Spaghetti Dinner, any NFTY event hosted at Temple Sinai by SCRUFY and SCRUFY Jr, Confirmation, Baccalaureate and many other events. Contact Jen Quick.

Sinai members support the U.S. Military by volunteering at the USO (United Services Organization) 6-8 times per year at Hartsfield Jackson International Airport. More than 600 troops utilize the services of the USO and our volunteers have an opportunity to thank them for their service to our country. Contact Carrie Bohn.

Veterans Affairs
Supports our annual Veterans Shabbat as well as other initiatives that may occur throughout the year. Contact Carrie Bohn.

Youth & Family Committee
Serves as the strategic advisory board in reimagining family engagement, including Hebrew Chavurah, Sunday morning as a family destination and other initiatives that effect K-6 students and families. Additional programming includes: Family Tashlich Picnic, Afikomen Scavenger Hunt and Family Fun Fest. Grade level liaisons serve to help communicate information about programs and projects. This committee also plans a yearly teacher and madrichim appreciation event. Contact Rachel Moldovan.

Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785