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		                                    Living Room Limud		                                </span>

Though we love meeting and learning in Temple Sinai, we recognize that enriching Jewish learning could and should happen anywhere. Welcome to our second year of Living Room Limud, where we build upon the success of last year's gatherings with casual and meaningful conversations. Interested in hosting your friends and acquaintances for learning in your living room? Have you ever wanted to discuss a certain idea with your clergy and fellow congregants? Let us know! 

We are putting together small groups of learners throughout the congregation to learn and laugh together. Please reach out to Rabbi Natan Trief if you would like to host. We will also be reaching out to several people as potential hosts as we try to engage diverse learners from across the congregation. Together with your clergy partner or Sinai staff member, you will decide the specific format, menu, and content for each session. 

Some topics that we covered in these intimate settings in 5783 (2022-2023) were What Does it Mean to Be Jewish?, The Power of the Shema, Jewish Music Through the Ages, and Spiritual Jewish Parenting. Given the many passions and areas of interest of our Sinai clergy and faculty, it won't be hard to find something that piques your interest. 

Some of these events will have a random guest-list. Others will be targeted as we cultivate gatherings within Sinai’s various demographics (empty-nesters, preschool parents, brotherhood, etc). If you would like to take part in this exciting program, either as a host or as a guest, contact Rabbi Natan Trief

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784