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Noar Sunday’s curriculum is based on hands-on, authentic Jewish learning, and centered around community building and personal choice.  

Shoreshim: PreK-Grade 1
Theme: Etz Chaim Tree of Life

Shoreshim (roots) is the Pre-K–1st grade eidah (unit) at Noar Sunday. Shoreshim students build a foundational understanding of their Jewish self through interactive experiences with Jewish holidays, the synagogue, Torah stories from Genesis and Exodus, and the Hebrew language all while making Jewish friends!

PreK through Kindergarten (one year curriculum)

• Students will deep dive into Shabbat with a Shabbat Box unit
• Celebrate Jewish holidays by learning stories of Simchat Torah, Chanukah, Purim, Passover, Tu B’shevat, and Yom Ha'atzmaut

• Students will learn about the places, symbols, and people of the synagogue through experiential learning
• Students will be able to define: Rabbi, Cantor, Synagogue, Siddur, Bima, Eternal Light, Torah, T’fillah

• Students will get to know Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, Moses and Miriam in concurrence with the holiday stories studied

• PreK and Kindergarteners will start with the value of “Kavod” or “respect” as the lens for their learning and learning space structures

First Grade (one year curriculum)

• Students will deep dive into Shabbat and Havdalah with a Havdalah Box unit
• Celebrate Jewish holidays by learning stories and riturals of Simchat Torah, Hannukkah, Purim, Passover, Tu B’shevat, and Yom Ha’autzmut
• Students will create ritual objects for holidays

• Students will learn about the places, symbols, and people of the synagogue through experiential learning
• SWBAT define: Rabbi, Cantor, Synagogue, Siddur, Bima, Eternal Light, Torah, T’fillah
• Shema, Amidah, 4 questions

• Students will get to know Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, Moses and Miriam in concurrence with the holiday stories studied

• First graders will explore the curriculum through the lens of “B’tzelem Elohim,” everyone is created in God’s image

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Wed, May 8 2024 30 Nisan 5784