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Noar News - 10.27.2024

10/23/2024 09:01:48 AM


Dear Noar Parents,

Moadim L’simcha, I hope that all of you have had the opportunity to enjoy time in a Sukkah during this Sukkot season. It was niRead more...

Noar News - 10.20.2024

10/16/2024 09:29:28 AM


Dear Noar Families,

While we missed seeing you at Noar for the past couple of weeks, it was so nice to see so many of you over the High Holy Days. WeRead more...

Noar News - 10.13.2024

10/09/2024 02:45:21 PM


Dear Noar Families,

We hope you are having a great start to your new year. It was nice to see many of you at Family Tashlich on Sunday. We look forwaRead more...

Noar News - 10.6.2024

10/01/2024 04:58:01 PM


Dear Noar Families,

We hope you are having a great week.  The High Holy Days bring lots of activity to the Temple Sinai campus as we prepare to welcRead more...

Noar News - 9.29.2024

09/26/2024 04:07:12 PM


Dear Noar Families,

We are ready to head into week four at Noar. We have been getting a jump start on the holidays. Last week we learned about Rosh HRead more...

Noar News - 9.22.2024

09/19/2024 09:01:32 AM


Dear Noar Parents,

We are excited for our third week of Noar coming up this Sunday. This week, we will begin to focus on the High Holy Days to give yRead more...

Noar News - 9.15.2024

09/12/2024 09:01:42 AM


Dear Noar Families,

It was so nice to see you all last Sunday and welcome your children to a new year at Noar. This week, we will begin our regular NRead more...

Opening Day Recap

09/08/2024 01:17:14 PM


Dear Noar Families,

It was great to see many of you today and share information about Noar.  For those of you who missed the event or just want to hRead more...

Noar Opening Day is Almost Here

08/29/2024 09:01:02 AM


Dear Noar Families,

We continued our Teacher Orientation this week with a workshop presented by Jenna Sommer on teaching through the strengths of ourRead more...

RSVP for Noar Opening Day

08/22/2024 04:00:51 PM


Dear Noar Families,

The countdown to Opening Day, September 8th, continues! 

With just a little over two weeks to go, teachers started training lasRead more...

Noar Opening Day is Coming on September 8

08/15/2024 09:00:51 AM


Dear Noar Families,

Let the countdown to Noar Sunday begin! This year, Opening Day will take place on Sunday, September 8th. Students will begin in tRead more...

Noar Opening Day on September 8

08/08/2024 03:39:09 PM


Dear Noar Families,

It is hard to believe that summer has come to a close. Most of your children have headed back to school or will be heading back oRead more...

Noar News - 5.5.2024 (Last Day of Noar!)

05/02/2024 04:00:24 PM


Dear Noar Families,

My first year at Noar has flown by and I can hardly believe that May 5th will be our last session of Noar for this school year. Read more...

Noar News - 4.28.2024 (Passover Color War!)

04/25/2024 09:01:13 AM


Dear Noar Families,

Why is this Sunday different from all other Sundays? Since it is still Passover, we will be holding Passover Maccabiah (Color WarRead more...

Noar News - 4.21.2024

04/18/2024 09:01:44 AM


Dear Noar Families,

Last Sunday, all throughout the building, children were eagerly preparing for Passover. The story was told and retold, the questiRead more...

Noar News - 4.14.2024

04/11/2024 08:50:54 AM


Dear Noar Families,

We are excited to have your children back in the building this week. For the next couple of sessions, we will be preparing for thRead more...

Noar News - 4.7.2024

04/04/2024 04:27:37 PM


Dear Noar Families

There is no Noar this weekend. We will return to Noar on Sunday, April 14th ready to prepare for Passover.

While Spring Break may

Noar News - 3.31.2024

03/28/2024 09:00:48 AM


Dear Noar Families

After two great weeks celebrating Purim, we pause while many of our families are on Spring Break. We will return to Noar on SundayRead more...

Noar News - 3.24.2024

03/21/2024 09:31:21 AM


Dear Noar Parents,

Last weekend, I was fortunate to get to hear our Scholar in Residence, Dr. Rachel Fish, as she shared her experiences with fightinRead more...

Noar News & Purim Celebration this Sunday - 3.17.2024

03/14/2024 09:01:13 AM


Dear Noar Parents,

Noar is not in session this week. We invite you and your family to register for PURIMagination, a sweet Purim celebration, that haRead more...

Noar News & Get Your Tickets for Purim - 3.10.2024

03/07/2024 04:00:14 PM


Dear Noar Parents,

We are excited to see your children back in the building with us this week as we begin our study of Purim.  

This week, childre

Noar News - 3.3.2024

02/29/2024 04:00:46 PM


Dear Noar Families,

We hope you are all having a great week!  We will not have Noar this week due to Spring Break for many private schools.  We looRead more...

Noar News - 2.25.2024

02/22/2024 04:00:28 PM


Dear Noar Families,

We are excited to have a Noar session this week. This year is a Leap Year on both the secular and Jewish calendars. This means thRead more...

Noar News - 2.19.2024

02/15/2024 09:01:28 AM


Dear Noar Families,

I hope you are all having a great week! There is no Noar Sunday this week due to the President’s Day weekend.

 We are pleased

Noar News - 2.11.2024

02/08/2024 08:59:28 AM


Dear Noar families,

We are gearing up for another fun-filled Sunday at Noar. Please make sure to send your children with jackets since, weather permiRead more...

Noar News - 2.4.2024

02/01/2024 08:59:14 AM


Dear Noar Families,

February is a busy month in the Youth and Teen Department. There are many upcoming events for you and your children to enjoy inclRead more...

Noar News - 1.28.2024

01/25/2024 09:05:11 AM


Dear Noar Families,

It was so nice to see all of your children last week. The energy and enthusiasm was great to see as everyone was welcomed back toRead more...

Noar News - 1.21.2024

01/18/2024 09:20:09 AM


Dear Noar Families,

We are so excited to welcome your children back to Noar this week!

If your child is in Chaverim, 2nd or 3rd grade, this week is Read more...

Noar News

01/11/2024 11:01:43 AM


Dear Noar Families,

Last week, teachers gathered and had a great week learning together and preparing to have your children back at Noar. They learneRead more...

Noar News

01/04/2024 09:30:29 AM


Dear Noar Families,

We hope you enjoyed time with family and friends over Winter Break!

There is no Noar Sunday session this week, the teachers wilRead more...
Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785