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Carpool Talk and Noar News 1.8.2023

01/08/2023 11:05:27 AM


Welcome back to noar!

We are looking forward to a great semester full of fun, special programs, great learning and MORE! We are also looking forward to sending out the class directories so you can reach out to your Noar friends. Please email Rachel at if you do not want your information shared in the class directory.

Each Carpool Talk newsletter has a brief description of what your child did today, along with 2-3 open ended questions you can ask them to keep the conversation going.

All Eidot (units) started the day with Boker Kehilah (morning meeting) to learn about the Middah of the week and break the ice!

Hebrew letter of the week: Bet/Vet (*it may be different for Shoreshim (Pre-K-1)

Jewish Life vocab of the week: Boker Kehilah

Mensch Middah of the week: HaKarat HaTov (Gratitude)

Shoreshim (Pre-K-1)

This week in Bayit, we learned about the story of the Tower of Babel, in the Torah.  In Chugim, our students rotated between a tower drawing activity, Hebrew Through Movement with Or, Sports with Coach Anthony, and a communication game. Ask me these three things:

1. Tell me about the story of The Tower of Babel, in the Torah.

2. What did you notice about building a tower alone compared to building with a partner or group? 

3. What lesson did you learn from this Torah story? 

Chaverim (Grades 2-3) 

This week in Bayit, students participated in a special program with co-authors Gabby Spatt and Candace Bazemore of "Shabbat and Sunday Dinner." 

1. What tradition do you love about our family?

2. What tradition did you like about one of your classmates’ families?

3. What menu did you come up with for Shabbat and why?

 Orim (Grades 4-5) 

 This week in Bayit, we learned about Jewish thoughts on God through studying Torah and debates and games. We also chose our chug for the semester. Ask me these three things:

1. How is “Talmud Torah,” the study of Torah, a mitzvah?

2. What are your thoughts on God?

3. How are you planting the seed of knowledge and making it grow?

The fourth graders got to choose from cooking, gardening, or Passport to Israel. The 5th graders chose from sports, MakerSpace, Science, or art.

Zehut (Grade 6) 

6th grade began their Holocaust unit today with Ben Walker, Holocaust survivor and Temple Sinai's first educator. He spoke about his experiences to the students and their parents.

Sun, May 19 2024 11 Iyar 5784